Our Vision & Mission
Our Vision
"Learning with Head, Heart and Hands"
Our Mission Statement
The Briar Hill Primary School Community believes that education entwines the gifts brought by the head, heart and hands. We aspire to create an environment that supports children and the school community in their lifelong journey of self-development, discovery and growth.
Our Values - Kindness Framework
The values of our school community are reflected in our behaviours and our decisions, and shape our interactions.
Be KIND to yourself
Be KIND to others
Be KIND to the environment
Be the learning KIND
Be the achieving KIND
Be the community KIND
"Learning with Head, Heart and Hands"
Our Mission Statement
The Briar Hill Primary School Community believes that education entwines the gifts brought by the head, heart and hands. We aspire to create an environment that supports children and the school community in their lifelong journey of self-development, discovery and growth.
Our Values - Kindness Framework
The values of our school community are reflected in our behaviours and our decisions, and shape our interactions.
Be KIND to yourself
Be KIND to others
Be KIND to the environment
Be the learning KIND
Be the achieving KIND
Be the community KIND