Specialist Programs
In addition to our core curriculum, Briar Hill Primary School offers three specialist programs that complement classroom programs. These are Environmental Science/Gardening, German and Physical Education. All three programs are taken by a Specialist Teacher and students attend each of these lessons for an hour each week.
Environmental Science
The Environmental Science Program enables children to become actively involved with their learning as they develop 21st century skills. The program centres on the permaculture garden from Prep to Year 6.
In the Early Years (Prep - Year 2), the learning focus is on building skills, exploring nature and its cycles, and basic botany.
In the Later Years (Years 3 - 6), although gardening is still practised, the focus extends to areas of sustainability, bio-diversity and physical sciences.
All lessons and learning objectives come from the scope and sequence of the Victorian Curriculum, however where possible, any Steiner themes that allow for integration are also incorporated, which help in with keeping to the Steiner/State Curriculum approach that our school offers.
German is taught using a hands on Steiner Art and Craft approach. It allows for the head and hands to work together to make connections.
German is taught as much as possible to the Steiner Class related themes, or epochs as they’re known by.
Physical Edication
At BHPS we have physical activity programs for children from Prep to Year 6 with a focus on fundamental movement skills.
Sport and physical activity is a valued part of our school's curriculum contributing to the development of the whole child. It provides a vehicle for social, physical and emotional learning. The participation, enjoyment and development of our students is the corner-stone of the school sport/ physical activity program. All our students take part in this program.